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What does the Bible say about partnership?

In John 17:20-23, Jesus prays for his followers to be in unity before the world, so that the world might believe their message. Throughout the New Testament the Church is referred to as a body, implying a working together of all the parts.

Partnership is a Biblical concept.

Are partnerships efficient?

Partnerships reduce waste and duplication of effort. They also bring together diverse gifts to apply to the missions task. Increased communication in a partnership helps missions motivation in your church.

Will a partnership save us money?

Yes, partnerships ultimately save kingdom resources because they are efficient. However, becoming a partner church will not reduce your church's missions budget. Very likely the opposite will be true as your congregation becomes focused on a specific target people. Partner churches often release their members to hands-on cross-cultural ministry involvement, resulting in increased commitments in prayer and financial support.

What about accountability?

Church, agency and missionaries are mutually accountable to one another, with clear lines of reporting and oversight responsibilities. Both the church and World Team appoint partnership coordinators to enhance accountability and work out differences.

Are there critical factors needed to make a partnership work?

Yes, there are at least five critical factors.

  • There needs to be a period of sustained trust and relationship building on all sides.
  • A commitment to a common objective (planting a church among an unreached people group) is imperative.
  • A clear understanding of each partner's role and function is essential.
  • Regular cultivation and strengthening of the relationship is required.
  • There must be a willingness to regularly evaluate and adapt as needed.

How does a partnership begin?

Partnerships develop when a need is identified (an unreached people group) and a vision of what God might do begins to capture a church. Without a vision for the task, there is little motivation for the level of commitment needed to sustain a successful partnership.

Three partnership options to consider.

Supportong Partnership is for the church with a vision to be involved in reaching an unreached people group, may or may not have one of its own members on a church planting team. The supporting partner church takes on a significant commitment to support a team or team member and may share a partner coordinator with other supporting partner churches.

Sending Partnership is for the church with a vision to focus attention on an unreached people group and is involved in recruiting at least one member of a church planting team reaching the group. The sending partner church also desires to have a significant level of support and care for the team member.

Strategic Partnership if for the church with a vision for reaching an unreached people group and wants to be involved in setting entry strategy, recruitment of the church planting team, training of team members, deployment, support and member care. The team may come largely from one church or a group of churches networked to share the same vision.
